Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fate vs. Freewill

Fate is a powerful thing, as well as freewill. Both control our lives or the outcome of it to some degree. I do not think either one is more powerful than the other, though, and I will never know. No one will know for that matter. There is no true answer, just many opinions. So when I am asked whether or not I think freewill or fate controls our lives, I say either both or I don't know, for there is no real answer. People can argue about which controls our lives more, but their reasoning would be based off of nothing. They have not experienced death yet. This topic is very similar to the God topic. Does God exist? Well no one really knows until he/she dies. One can argue that God doesn't exist and back up their argument with extremely good points, but in the end, there is no right or wrong answer, just theories. So does fate or freewill control our lives? Do things happen for a reason, or do they happen coincidentally? I must say I feel comfortable replying I am not sure which one "controls" our lives more, but both are significant.

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