Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Writing Whatever Comes to Mind

I've been thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking...and I've realized that I dislike people for a day. For instance, I will wake up and just not like my sister for that whole day...the best example would be my boyfriend.
Now I am hesitant to post this fact on the internet, for you never know who could be reading my posts. But today, I just did not like my boyfriend. When I say dislike somebody, I mean that I have a low tolerance for boyfriend always wants to be with me...he is a great guy, don't get me wrong...but very clingy and I am one of those people who have a hard time with clingy people, I guess...nonetheless, I like him...just today I did not.
So...anyway...I am writing what comes to mind, not necessarily following grammar rules or any shit like that...none of this stuff will relate to one another...if you do not like reading choppy messages, then I advise you not to read any further.
So...I am sick, currently...not sure of what, but my guess is the common cold. Something has been spreading throughout the school...maybe allergies? I don't know, but whatever this sickness is I caught it. And I am all types of drugged up. Not to worry, though, it is NOT "swine" flu.
I think I am suffering from I am still stressed out about things that have already happened. Yesterday I had my AP Psych exam...and I find myself still reviewing in my head...and I had a stats project due today, and this afternoon I was stressing out about what needed to be done about it.
But, that's life...and my senior year is almost over. This weekend will be the last weekend of my high school career. Whoa. Crazy. The year has gone by too fast, and I was not even able to enjoy it...except, I am GLAD it's over.
Well...time for bed...the sick chick must rest.

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