Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Allow Me to Let Go

I have always liked to imagine that when we cut our nails we are giving them a second chance to grow back the way we want them to. There is no reason for why I think this thought. And it might be random to you, but this is how my brain works: in dysfunction.

Allow me to let go
Allow me to feel the flow
Of the life I see down below
In that world I want to grow
I want to find myself.

The picture above is the view from my grandparents' cabin in Fontana, North Carolina. Unfortunately, the picture is not of good quality. But enjoy what you can of it.

The rain falls down
Making a lullaby as it hits the sidewalks
Causing the world to close its eyes
And just listen to the pit pat noises
Of the soft lullaby
As life passes by beside it
The rain's lullaby continues
It doesn't matter if it gets attention
All that matters is that the rain is there
Helping lives subconsciously
Even if the rain doesn't want to be noticed
I awake from its lullaby
And go outside to accompany the rain
Since it has always been there for me
I want to return the favor and acknowledge its presence
I let the rain hit my head softly
Letting the world around me go
It still produces a sweet lullaby
So I dance and join in
As a new note in its music
The rain accepts me
Appreciating my gifts and my faults
It lets me join in some more
Giving me permission to show off myself
To the rest of the world
Being sweet, the rain washes away my sorrow
It guides me through a place of thoughtless happiness
There, I remain dancing
There, I am accepted in every way
Without being judge or disregarded
Soon the rain's lullaby stops
And time is no longer paused
My guardian kisses my forehead
As we depart from one another
It knows I will wait
Now here I lie on my front steps
I wait for my guardian to reappear
To comfort me and wash away the anguish that has stained my skin
To take me away from everything
And back into that place of acceptance
I have sat out here everyday
Looking into day's and night's skies
Watching and waiting patiently for the rain
When I start to doubt its promise to reappear
Its lullaby begins, just like it had before, softly and barely audible.

I am aware I have already posted this picture on my blog, but it is my all time favorite from Fontana. So naturally, I HAD to put it up again.

To be honest, my friend, I do not know what is going on with me.
But I am letting you go and watching you fly away.

1 comment:

Sara said...

did you write all that stuff?

and i like your pictures.

and i'm still here.