Sunday, August 16, 2009

Elevator Love Letter

I'm taking a vow of abstinence from alcohol for awhile. Earn my parents' respect back.

The post below is of one of my new favorite songs by Stars. Enjoy. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

I'm listening to this song as I update my blog. Today was a pretty good day. My mom woke me up at 9:30, rushing my sisters and me out of the house to get to church on time. I took Micah and her friends out to Lenox so I could get a cover for my laptop. Made a REALLY good mixed CD for the car. Then drove to College Park to see my friend and take her to the airport. Now I'm home.

I really hate Sundays. They make me feel lonely and abandoned. Always have. As I sit in my room, typing away and listening to music, I realize how lonely I am.

Anyways. Today I decided I was going to embrace the things I hate. Like shopping, for instance. I cannot deal with shopping. And I had to today. And. It. Wasn't. All. That. Bad. But. I was by myself and I didn't have to worry about anyone...for a little while until Micah texted me and requested that I meet her over at Urban Outfitters.

Allman Brothers are playing now. Blue Sky to be more specific. Sorry I didn't put more of their stuff on your CDs, bud.

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