Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So, it is currently 12:43 AM...May 28 2009...and I am wired.
I have nothing better to do then blog.
My day has been crazy. I woke up to a text my friend sent me at nine this morning. Fell back asleep, then actually got up at 11:00. Took a shower, then went downstairs and made some lunch. Had Spanish rice...yum. My mom and I were supposed to go graduation dress shopping today at 1:00. She did not get home from Laney's (my youngest sister) end of the year party until around 2:00. But that's okay. I watched some Full House episodes...and I don't usually get to watch TV, so that was alright...pretty chill. Anyway, my mom and I went to Phipps Plaza which is about a 40 minute drive...depending on traffic. Tried on a total of five dresses and the fifth one I tried on ended up being my favorite. I LOVE it, and the dress was a great deal...$29. We went to Nordstrom. And I got a cardigan for $20 there, too. The shoes ended up being the most expensive...$72. Let's hope they last. Anyway, I think shopping went well. I found out that I really enjoy shopping with my mother, not because she pays for me (because usually, I have to pay for my own stuff) but because she has a good sense of style and knows what I like. Plus, we both hate shopping.
Anyway. After shopping I picked up the Arth, and we went to my lacrosse banquet which was at a neighborhood pool...that I don't like. I did have fun, nonetheless. Ate pizza, got a paper plate award from the captains, then got a trophy for having the best sportsmanship...? Which is kinda odd.
THE SLOVAKS CAME IN YESTERDAY! I found out they were at Lenox Mall, so C-Proc, the Arth, and I all went to Lenox to meet up with them. We hung out with our friend named Sashka for like TWO HOURS at the mall. When we got to C-Proc's around 10:00, the Arth decided he wanted to get a five hour energy shot. I took him to Kroger and all they only had these six hour energy shots that were made by a different company than the ones he gets. We both agreed to try them out. Drove back to C-Proc's and drank them there. Olive, Carmen, and Mandy were all there, too; we jumped on C-Proc's trampoline for awhile, then went inside and played cards. First game was Spades, which is one of my favorites, second game was ERS (Egyptian Rat Screw), and then FINALLY MAU, WHICH is my FAVORITE card game OF ALL TIME. Can't discuss the rules, though. Left C-Proc's at 11:45, took the Arth home, got back to my house at 12:03, said goodnight to my parents. NOW THE STUPID ENERGY SHOT HAS DECIDED TO KICK IN SO I CAN'T GOT TO SLEEP. Seriously. I am shaking, at the moment. Before I got on the computer to blog, I cleaned my room, brushed my teeth, cleaned the bathroom, and straightened my hair. Maybe I should work on this 10 page letter that I owe my friend, but NO. I AM TO ENERGETIC RIGHT NOW TO FOCUS. THAT IS WHY THIS BLOG PROBABLY DOES NOT MAKE MUCH SENSE. UGH.
It is going to be a late night.

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