Friday, June 12, 2009

My Many Adventures

Had a great time in Guat. Such a great time it feels like I never even went. Because I actually did NOT go.
Let me back track just a bit.
June 11th, 2009. Approx 8:07 AM. I woke up to the sound of music...not good music...actually, my sister (Micah), cousin (Mol), and friend (C-Proc) singing "Happy Birthday"; a familiar tune amongst many different cultures. All three of them were in different keys. It was not pleasant to listen to, but a nice gesture. Shortly after, I packed up some of my stuff for the long trek to Nashville, TN where our last concert would be (the second one of the day). We sang for people in an old folks home in St. Louis first; I talked to a woman who was from german decent and spoke only of her six foot son and how handsome he was. She was sweet, though.
Bus ride was LONG. We rented a charter bus for the tour; played spades, watched movies, slept (my favorite), listened to music. Spades was absolutely AMAZING. Possibly my new favorite card game? Except not...does not beat Mao. Anyway, played nill a couple of rounds, then blind nill...which worked out amazingly.
Our second concert of the day was at yet another independent living center. My cousin and Aunt who live in Nashville came to see us sing; they brought us brownies and such. So sweet of them, and it was marvelous to visit with them too. C-Proc's parents took us home; we got in around 12 (midnight). So tired. Anyway, Micah and I finished packing for Guat at 1:00 AM, then headed over to Mol's house. We all just hung out until 3:30; Mol and I fell asleep for 30 minutes.
Long story short (too late). We got to the airport at 5:00 AM only to find out that our flight had been canceled. WHAT? Thought it was a joke, but actually was not. Apparently the plane had technical difficulties and the pilot did not feel comfortable flying it. Couldn't get another flight to Guat (technically Miami because we were supposed to have a lay-over there) until Wednesday.
Currently I am at Dewees Island in South Carolina, approximately 20 minutes away from Charleston. I did NOT want to go, but it has been fun. VERY RELAXING; I have time to chill, which I need since I have been traveling so much. We are heading back tomorrow.
I can not wait to get home. I can not wait to get to Guat because I get to see my mom, my dad and my other two sisters. All of whom I miss terribly.
Take care.
Be sure to have some pictures.

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